The Daily Practice
A 7-day Somatic Breathwork ritual for grounding, clearing and personal transformation.
For those short on time or newer to the practice, this on demand mini-course includes seven 6-7 minute guided breathwork audio sessions along with journal prompts for further reflection. Designed to help you clear stagnant energy, find clarity and reconnect with the present moment.
When you’re overwhelmed by the weight of the world, ask yourself, what is the source of that burden? Is the responsibility solely yours to carry? If you set the weight down, what would be true?
When you’re overwhelmed by the weight of the world, ask yourself, what is the source of that burden? Is the responsibility solely yours to carry? If you set the weight down, what would be true?
When you’re ruminating about the past and worrying about the future, you rob the gifts available to you in the present moment. Clear the distractions and reconnect with what’s true right now.
When you’re ruminating about the past and worrying about the future, you rob the gifts available to you in the present moment. Clear the distractions and reconnect with what’s true right now.
What we resist persists. When we suppress our feelings and emotions, we deny our ability to process and heal. Allow yourself the space to recognize what’s coming up for you, acknowledge and nurture with compassion, and allow it to move through you.
What we resist persists. When we suppress our feelings and emotions, we deny our ability to process and heal. Allow yourself the space to recognize what’s coming up for you, acknowledge and nurture with compassion, and allow it to move through you.
Change can be scary. It can also be the very thing that is the key to your growth. Uncertainty presents a situation where we lack control and often stirs up feelings of worry and anxiety. How can you allow yourself to soften, and to trust the timing, unfolding, and evolution of things?
Change can be scary. It can also be the very thing that is the key to your growth. Uncertainty presents a situation where we lack control and often stirs up feelings of worry and anxiety. How can you allow yourself to soften, and to trust the timing, unfolding, and evolution of things?
You have a unique gift to bring into this world, and it would be a disservice if you hid it away. Clear away the self-limiting beliefs and reconnect with your strength, purpose and what makes you uniquely you.
You have a unique gift to bring into this world, and it would be a disservice if you hid it away. Clear away the self-limiting beliefs and reconnect with your strength, purpose and what makes you uniquely you.
When we cut ourselves off from feeling the lows and uncomfortable feelings, we inadvertently limit ourselves from feeling joy, wonder, and awe. Let’s invite a sense of play back into our lives and give permission to feel our emotions fully so we can live more deeply and abundantly.
When we cut ourselves off from feeling the lows and uncomfortable feelings, we inadvertently limit ourselves from feeling joy, wonder, and awe. Let’s invite a sense of play back into our lives and give permission to feel our emotions fully so we can live more deeply and abundantly.
Soma+IQ Release Breathwork™ is intended as a personal growth experience and should not be looked upon as a substitute for psychotherapy. It is not appropriate for pregnant women, for persons with cardiovascular problems, including angina or heart attack, high blood pressure, glaucoma, retinal detachment, osteoporosis, history of seizures, stroke, major psychiatric conditions, recent surgery, acute infectious illness or epilepsy. If you have any doubt about whether you should participate, please consult with your primary care physician. Persons with asthma should bring their inhaler and consult with their primary care physician.